Announcement: Part of Google NextGen Leaders Program 2018
I'm stoked to announce that I was nominated (without knowing!) and selected to join the 2018 class of Google NextGen Tech Policy Leaders Program, where I'll be joining nearly 100 leaders around the country to explore creative solutions at the intersection of racial justice and tech policy.
I spent 3 days at the kick-off Summit in Google's Silicon Valley, where I immersed myself in workshops, presentations, and conversations on everything from net neutrality, to future work, to economic inequality through/within tech. For the next year, I'll be spending a few hours every month with my cohort to study the field, and develop solutions.
As a creative through and out, it feels empowering to dive into a world I know so little about, and to enter 2018 with an open mind for learning things outside of my comfort zone.
If you want to work together in 2018, send me a message!